Enroll in the Ultimate Spaced-Education Brand/Generic Names Learning Program

Discover how much you already know and quickly learn new information through strategic testing.
Get long term retention without needing to cram! Discover how to use the spaced-education learning program.
Are you an auditory or visual learner? Use this carefully designed audio visual tool to learn the top 300 drug names.
Have you ever struggled to memorize the brand/generic names of the top 300 most prescribed drugs?
I mean have you completely gone blank on a test? Have you completely analyzed a case question and felt confident that you know the right drug only to find out that all the answer choices are brand and you only know generics?
Then I know you've probably wanted to smash your computer to the ground or your head on the table!
Mastering brand/generic names of the top 300 drugs is amazing, you would use it all the time and they would come handy on the NAPLEX but learning them can be a real pain.
That's why we developed the Top 300 Drugs Toolkit, a real student-centric platform for learning drug names.
Our objective is to help you succeed in mastering the top 300 drugs. That's why we developed a platform with content designed specifically for a variety of learning styles. Simply choose the learning style or styles that suits you the most!